Hey! who gave me those drugs? |
Poor Tooie needed dental work in Tucson. We found a nice vet and off she went. I was soooo worried about the little bug. I went in way too early to pick her up and her surgery had been delayed slightly so I was really early. I sat in the office waiting area for awhile and then started chatting with the receptionist about the coffee shop two doors down. She said it was great so I walked out the front door and was heading down the sidewalk when the vet tech came out carrying Tooie. She said Tooie had heard my voice in the waiting room and woke right up from the anesthetic. She wanted her Momma. I could have cried.
I brought her home to the rv and she had to have a bed on the floor so because she was still pretty out of it.
This is Buster going in her crate to check on her. He stayed with her and worried over her until she was fully awake. |
He really took good care of his sister. |
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